Types of Nautical Knots
Figure Eight Bend: The figure-eight knot has several uses, including connecting two ropes to make a longer line or making a “stopper” knot in a single line in order to prevent the line from slipping through a hole or a gap in a block or a cleat.

Bowline Knot: The bowline is a multi-purpose knot that is essential for boat operators to know. Forming the knot creates a fixed loop on the end of the rope or line—a loop that can be used for hitching, mooring, or lifting.

Anchor Bend Knot: A type of hitching knot, the anchor bend is used to secure a rope to an anchor or a ring. If additional security is needed, a half hitch can be tied at the end.

Cleating Hitch: Used to attach a line to a cleat on a dock, the cleating hitch is formed by wrapping the line around the base of the cleat, then forming one or more figure eights around the cleat. The knot is secured with a half hitch.

Clove Hitch: The clove hitch is handy for temporary fastening, such as when tying up to a piling. It’s particularly useful because—with experience—it can be tied with only one hand. For extra fastening power or for longer periods of time, add two half hitches after tying the clove hitch.

Round Turn and Two Half Hitches: Handy for tying down a bulky load or tying a boat to a mooring post, the round turn and two half hitches is versatile. It is a secure knot that does not jam and is easy to undo.