Retrieving Your Boat Onto a Trailer
Back the trailer into the water so that approximately two-thirds of the rollers or bunks are submerged in the water. Set the parking brake of the towing vehicle, and put it in park (or first gear if you have a manual transmission).
- Move the vessel onto the trailer far enough to attach the winch line to the bow eye of the vessel. Finish pulling the vessel onto the trailer by cranking the winch. Stay out of the way of the direct line of the winch cable in case it snaps or you lose control of the winch. Do not load a vessel using engine power because this can cause damage.
- Shut off the engine, and raise the engine or outdrive.
- Pull the vessel out of the water.
Prepare for the drive home well away from the boat ramp so that you don’t block ramp traffic.
- While on land at the ramp area, remove and dispose of all weeds from the vessel and trailer, remove the drain plug to release bilge water, and drain any live wells. This will help prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance plants and animals.
- Secure the vessel on the trailer and the gear within the vessel, following the same instructions listed in the earlier section “Before Leaving Home With Your Boat and Trailer.”