Boaters and Divers Need to Be Cautious

Diving is a popular sport, and divers can be found in areas shared with recreational boaters. As diving’s popularity increases, it becomes more important for both boaters and divers to take special precautions.
- As a vessel operator, you should:
- Be able to recognize a diver-down flag, a red flag with a white diagonal stripe, floating in the area of the divers.
- Stay the legal distance away from a diver-down flag. Do not drive your vessel between a diver-down flag and a nearby shore.
- Watch out for divers surfacing when you see a diver-down flag. Bubbles may indicate that a diver is below.
- For their own safety, divers should:
- Always display the diver-down flag and stay close to the flag.
- Use a stable boat that is suited for diving and anchor the boat securely.
- Avoid overloading the vessel with people, equipment, or supplies.
- Never dive or snorkel alone.