Mooring Permits and Local Regulations
Mooring Permits
Vessel operators may not anchor or moor a vessel in an Ocean Recreation Management Area (ORMA) or non-designated area for more than 72 hours and may not return to that area within a 14-day period without a permit issued by the Hawaii DLNR.
Local Regulations
Local waterways, including the ocean waters of Waikiki, Makapuu, Kealakekua Bay, Kailua Beach, Ahihi-Kinau, Pokai Bay, Ala Moana Beach Park, Kaanapali, and Maunalua Bay, may have specific equipment and operational restrictions in addition to those covered in this course.
Before you go boating, be sure to check for local regulations on the Hawaii DLNR/DOBOR website or on the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources website.