Keeping Fire Extinguishers Readily Accessible and in Good and Serviceable Condition
When required by the USCG, fire extinguishers must be on board a vessel and readily accessible—where they can be easily reached. When deciding on a place to store a fire extinguisher, make sure to consider how easy it is to reach in the event of a fire. It is recommended that the fire extinguisher be conspicuously and securely mounted on its intended hanger or bracket.
Extinguishers must not be expired or appear to have been previously used. They must be maintained in good and serviceable condition. Good and serviceable condition means that the fire extinguisher on board:
- Is charged and indicates it is charged if the extinguisher has a pressure gauge reading or indicator and…
- Has a pin lock that is firmly in place and…
- Does not show visible signs of significant corrosion or damage and…
- Has a discharge nozzle that is clean and free of obstructions.
In Utah, each fire extinguisher must show evidence of being certified or serviced once every five years, unless the fire extinguisher is disposable. (A disposable fire extinguisher is one that cannot be certified, recharged, or serviced.) A disposable fire extinguisher expires 12 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the label or on the bottom of the fire extinguisher.