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Course Outline

Figure 1: Navigation lights on power-driven vessels (four different kinds of vessels)

If less than 65.6 feet (20 meters) long, these vessels must exhibit the lights as shown in the illustration. Remember, power-driven vessels include sailboats operating under engine power. The required lights are:

  • Red and green sidelights visible from a distance of at least two miles away—or if less than 39.4 feet (12 meters) long, at least one mile away—on a dark, clear night.
  • An all-round white light (if less than 39.4 feet long) or both a masthead light and a sternlight. These lights must be visible from a distance of at least two miles away on a dark, clear night. The all-round white light (or the masthead light) must be at least 3.3 feet (one meter) higher than the sidelights.
  • Unit 2 of 2
  • Topic 8 of 15
  • Page 2 of 5