Aquatic Invasive Species
Introducing non-native species into Ohio waters can upset the balance of the ecosystem, thereby harming the environment. Aquatic invasive species most often spread between waterways by hitching a ride on vessels and trailers. When transplanted into new waters, these organisms proliferate, displacing native species and damaging the water resource.
Preserving and protecting our water resources is a challenge for all. As boaters, your recreation is made richer when operating in clean water. By doing your part to keep waterways clean and prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, you can ensure pleasurable boating experiences for the future.
Aquatic invasive species are a serious threat to Ohio's waterways. Introducing harmful non-native organisms into a lake, river or bay can lead to environmental degradation and millions of dollars in control and clean-up costs, all of which affect boaters. As a general practice, taking steps to inspect and clean your boat and equipment after each use will prevent the spread of most aquatic invasive species.