Displaying the Registration Number and Validation Decals
The registration number and validation decal must be displayed as follows.
- Number must be painted, applied as a decal, or otherwise affixed to both sides of the bow above the waterline.
- Number must read from left to right on both sides of the bow.
- Number must be in at least three-inch-high BLOCK letters.
- Number's color must sharply contrast with its background.
- Letters must be separated from the numbers by at least a two-inch space. A hyphen may be placed within the two-inch space. For example: MO 1255 HP or MO-1255-HP.
- No other numbers may be displayed on either side of the bow.
- Decal must be affixed on both sides of the vessel, directly underneath the main body of the registration number or, if there is insufficient room underneath, as close as possible to the registration number.