Vessel Operation South of I-10

In addition to the previous examples of illegal and reckless operation, Mississippi Administrative Code Title 22, Part 16, states that on marine waters south of Interstate Highway 10 (I-10), it is illegal for vessel operators to:
- Operate at an excessive speed within 100 feet of another occupied vessel except in a crossing situation or when overtaking in accordance with the navigation rules.
- Jump, or attempt to jump, the wake of another vessel within 100 feet of that vessel.
- Follow within 100 feet of a water-skier.
- Create a potentially damaging wake within 100 feet of:
- Harbors, public marinas, or anywhere else vessels are typically docked or…
- Any public boat launching ramp facility.
- Operate the vessel with passengers positioned such that they block the operator’s view of other waterway traffic or of persons and objects in the water.