Boating While Intoxicated

Indiana law prohibits anyone from boating while intoxicated—that is, operating a motorboat or a PWC while intoxicated due to alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs cause impaired balance, blurred vision, poor coordination, impaired judgment, and slower reaction times. Alcohol is a major contributor to boating accidents and fatalities.
It is unlawful for owners of motorboats or PWC to operate or allow anyone else to operate their motorboat or PWC while that person is intoxicated.
- Indiana law defines intoxication as:
- Having a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or greater or...
- Being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs such that a person’s thoughts and actions are impaired and he or she has a loss of normal control of faculties to such an extent as to cause danger to others.
- You also may be arrested if your blood alcohol level is less than 0.08% but over 0.05%.