Overview of an Ocean Risk Management Process
As children, we were taught to look both ways before crossing the street to be sure we safely cross to the other side. Whether we realized it or not, by doing this, we were incorporating risk management strategies at an early age.
Hazards + People = RISK. Ocean Risk Management can be described as the reduction of potential harm or harmful effects when engaged in activities/exercises in or around the ocean environment.
This very basic orientation is designed to make you think—before you take a calculated risk. It may be the only orientation you ever receive on risk management beyond the lesson you learned about crossing the street. It is our attempt to help you realize that it is always to your advantage to learn all you can about the waters you are launching into BEFORE you turn the key on your thrill craft, push off, and leave the safety of land. The ocean is a dynamic, ever-changing, and beautiful yet hazardous place. It doesn’t always grant you a second chance.
And please don’t think that once you get to the end of this discussion on risk management that you’re ready for anything. It takes years to become proficient in reading and preparing for all conditions that impact your safety. Even the best risk calculators/technicians will admit they continue to learn. You are at greatest risk as a novice operator overestimating your capabilities and your understanding of the ocean environment. The State can assume no responsibility or liability for your activities on the water. Your safety is always in your own hands. STUDY. ENJOY. SURVIVE. LEARN. DO IT AGAIN.
Our suggestion is that you start small in situations with few or smaller risk factors and slowly build your experience. This orientation on risk management is only being presented in the thrill craft operator’s basic course as of today. The course you are currently enrolled in does not empower you to tow-in-surf. If you do progress to that point, again, DLNR/DOBOR suggests that you start small. Apply for marine event permits that would allow you to practice tow-in-surfing in small surf before graduating to larger surf that is inherently more dangerous.