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Course Outline

Although many engineering advances have been made in recent years, watercraft can still harm the environment and have a negative effect on wildlife. Some thrill craft generate sound frequencies that disturb the natural behavior of marine life. They also introduce more pollutants into our marine environment than most people think. Colliding with a green sea turtle often results in its death and the number of turtles in Hawaii’s waters is increasing. The number of humpback whales visiting our waters in the winter is also increasing. There is the common perception that ocean waters are naturally therapeutic. However, boaters should think twice before going into the waters following a heavy rain because streams and drains can introduce many pathogens into the water. Leptospirosis can cause flu-like symptoms and lead to meningitis and liver failure. Avoid waters that are oily, smelly, and frothy. Cuts from corals should be washed out immediately with clean water because of a risk of bacterial infection. Thrill craft operators may want to avoid being on the water at dawn or dusk as well as avoid murky waters due to potential interactions with sharks. The sun can cause severe burns due to the fact that Hawaii’s UV index can be very high.

  • Unit 3 of 6
  • Topic 1 of 1
  • Page 4 of 9