Facts About Boating Under the Influence #NeverBUI

Boat-Ed strives to shine a spotlight on a significant safety issue that is sometimes taken lightly but can lead to very serious and, at times, deadly consequences: boating under the influence of alcohol.
According to the U.S. Coast Guard, alcohol use is one of the leading known contributing factors in fatal boating accidents. With more boating accidents happening in July than in any other month, we hope to help bring awareness to the dangers of boating under the influence of alcohol this Summer.
Whether it's an official #NeverBUI or simply helping raise awareness about never boating under the influence, we hope to answer a question we hear often: "Can I drink on a boat?"
Remember: you don't need booze to cruise!
Boating Under the Influence Facts for Social Media
Facts and statistics warn against the dangers of boating while drinking. You can post facts and information on your social accounts to help us keep boaters safe on the water.
Share these facts and notes to your X (formerly Twitter) account, Facebook page, or Instagram.
- #DidYouKnow: A boat operator is likely to become impaired more quickly than a driver, drink for drink? #NeverBUI
- #DidYouKnow: The penalties for BUI can include large fines, loss of operator privileges, and serious jail time. #NeverBUI
- #DidYouKnow: The use of alcohol is involved in about a third of all recreational boating fatalities? #NeverBUI
- You don't need booze to cruise! #NeverBUI
- This Summer, leave the beer on the pier. #NeverBUI
- The combination of sun, wind, noise, vibration, and boat motion can greatly increase the effects of alcohol. #NeverBUI
- About 1/3 of all fatal boating accidents take place in June and July. Boat safe. Boat sober. #NeverBUI
- This 4th of July, let's kick the beer can to the curb! #NeverBUI https://youtu.be/vbwduWT_eYA
- Have you ever wondered if you can drink on a boat? @boat_ed has the answer in this video: https://youtu.be/vbwduWT_eYA.
- More than half of alcohol-related fatality victims capsized their boats or fell overboard. It makes you rethink those drinks, doesn't it? #NeverBUI
Learn more about the effects of alcohol on boating in our video below.
Learn More About Safe Boating With Boat-Ed
Boat-Ed wants everyone to enjoy safe outings on the water every season. Understanding the impact of alcohol on the ability to operate a boat safely is only one aspect of safe boating.
Most states require boaters to pass a boating safety course before it's legal to operate a boat – and for good reason. A state-approved course teaches safety essentials, from launching a boat successfully into the water to understanding your boat's capacity, navigating around other boaters, and what to do if someone falls overboard.
So, before heading out for your next adventure on the water, make sure you're safety certified. Find the Boat-Ed course for your state and start learning.
Originally published May 20, 2015. Content last updated June 17, 2024.