Operating a PWC

It is strongly recommended that PWC be operated during daylight hours only. If a PWC is operated at night, it must display the required navigation lights.
PWC must be operated in a reasonable and prudent manner. It is illegal to operate a PWC in a way that endangers the life, limb, or property of others. Specifically, it is against the law to:
- Weave your PWC through congested waterway traffic at high speed.
- Follow closely behind and within the wake of a vessel towing a person on water skis or other similar devices.
- Cut between a vessel and the person(s) being towed by that vessel.
- Jump the wake of another vessel unnecessarily close to that vessel.
- Encircle or buzz another vessel or person in the water.
- Cross the path of another vessel at right angles while close to the stern of the other vessel or when visibility around the other vessel is obstructed.
- Swerve at the last possible moment to avoid collision.
- Chase, harass, or disturb wildlife or birds with your PWC.